Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 24, 2009 Ocotillo Wells

Met Mike and his dad, John, at Mike's house. Their bikes were already loaded in the truck so off we went.

BMW's ride to the dirt, KTM's and Honda's get taken there...

"Set the Photons for 11 Mr. Sulu . . ."

My bike's ready to roll . . .

Mike and his dad finally got ready.

And off we went. Briefly.

John got caught in Mike's dust, he hit a big rock turning the front wheel and ass over teakettle he went. HARD. His Chatterbox got ripped off his helmet and there was a good rash on the bacxk of the helmet too but fortunately John was shaken but ok.

Of course, some asshole who saw it decided to make a dumbass (and completely wrong) assessment that we weren't supposed to be riding where we were (WRONG). I had to keep Mike from ripping the fool's head off.

So we went back to the truck, regrouped, and then headed off again for a mellow ride out to Gas Domes.

Across the lake bed...

John showing good form...

Mike and John out at Gas Domes. The was NO ONE there.

The weather was really nice too, warm and clear, little wind. LOTS of dust though.

Did I mention that there was NO ONE at Gas Domes. The view was awesome!

Not the best picture of me, but what the hell, I was having fun!

On the way back to the truck, Mike took my bike for a spin. He liked it, Mikey liked it!!! (For a heavy bike, that is...)

All in all, a great day of riding. Love the 800 and am really getting the hang of it off-road. Can't wait for the new front suspension to come in so I can stop bottoming the forks.

Next up: Husky Monument with the Hunters in two weeks!!!

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